TTS Martin offer of 29 480 810,84 € was evaluated as the best in public tender for ecologization of Martin heating plant. Contract with purchaser was signed during last days before Christmas and TTS Martin has become a general contractor of works which include installation of 4 hot-water boilers Bosch with unit power of 14,3 MW in reconstructed building and installation of 3 cogeneration units Martin Power with unit electric power 9,34 MW in newly built cogeneration hall.

Total installed electric power therefore will be 28 MW and thermal power even 80 MW. Cogeneration units will be driven by generating sets Rolls Royce B35:40V20AG2 from Norwegian producer Bergen Engines. They are spark-ignited natural gas engines with electric efficiency over 48% which will be equipped by heat extraction module for maximal energy usage from fuel and by emission reduction system to achieve newest emission limits. This investment will allow to completely switch off the coal combustion in Martin heating plant since 2019/20 heating season and to produce the heat and power in the most modern ecologic and economic way.

Realization of project “Production hall with offices of TTS Martin” on company’s property in Rakovo has started by signing the contract with general contractor on 26.3.2018 and handover of construction site. Construction works began immediately after the handover by terrain works and currently continue with drilling the pilots and realization of sewer connection. Erection of the concrete prefabricated hall structure will follow from 11.6 to 30.6. and subsequently other building works will follow to achieve completion of the construction on 31.1.2019.

New production hall was designed by Martin-based studio ArchitektiSKA and will have size of 60 x 42,5 m with three-floor offices. It will have significant asset in production efectivity not only by expanding the production and storage capacity but also expanding the test rooms capacity and high assembly space with overhaed bridge cranes for making the production of cogeneration units and generating sets quicker and better. Bonus for the future is availability of large property for further expansion of production and storage space.

vyrobna hala s administrativou vyrobna hala s administrativou

pozemok Rakovo cementovanie podlozia Rakovo vrtanie pilot Rakova