Special canopy
2 pcs of special canopies for power unit with engine and hydrogenerator
Silenced wheatherproof canopy made exactly according to requirements of customer. Customer fitted the engine and hydrogenerator into the canopy as supply powerplant for hydraulic system of the trailer. Canopy was designed for lifting on one point in the middle of roof. Air inlet and outlet are with air silenced jalousies.

Fireproof resistance
Genset with increased resistance against fire
Genset MP 400 I with power 400 kVA mounted in canopy with increased fire resistance. This resistance is ensured by painting, which increase the volume in contact with flames which ensures isolating sheet-metals from acting heat. Inlet and outlet jalousies are covered by fireproof tape with the same function as outer painting.

Trailer-installed genset
Ventilation system back-up
Martin Power MP 20 Y genset with engine Yanmar and power of 18 kVA PRP installed under the chassis of the trailer for transportation of chickens. Genset was designed for backup of main ventilation power supply. Outer canopy is made from zinc-covered sheet-metal steel for better corrosion protection.

Power unit
TAD 660 VP, Volvo engine with Rexroth hydrogenerator
Power unit with Volvo engine and Rexroth hydrogenerator. Unit is designed for actuation of movement and hydraulic parts of the selfmoving railway machine. For this purpose a special canopy with residential silencer above was designed according requests of customer. Power unit works in 4 speed modes according reqested power. Remote control is situated in control cabin of machine. Heated coolant is used for heating of cabin. On the engine are mounted peripheral devices as compresor of airconditioner and auxilliary hydropump.

Super-silent genset
Mobile genset in super-silent canopy
125 kVA genset on chassis up to 3,5t. Canopy is specially developed as “doublewalled”, which ensures high noise reduction. Air inlet and outlet are made as a labyrinth for as much noise reduction as possible. With this design noise level of 55 dBA at 7 meters is achieved.

Transmitter Veľká lúka
Genset for backuping supply of transmitter at Martinské hole near Martin
Genset MP 80 I with power of 85 kVA intended for backuping transmitter for radio Zet and Funradio. Genset is in container with weatherproof adaptation. Air inlet and outlet are lead out over the roof of container and there ended by grid in place under the wooden roof. Geset is in altitude 1476 meters above sea level.

Slovak Telekom open gensets
4 x 670 kVA gensets for backuping centers of Slovak Telecom
4 gensets MP 640 P with power 670 kVA for backuping of mains. Each genset is eguiped with residential silencer with noise reduction -30 dB and automatic fuel filling device.
2 gensets – Banská Bystrica
1 genset – Žilina
1 genset – Prešov

Alternative fuels for cogeneration
Cogeneration units with low emission diesel engines for liquid alternative fuels
Cogeneration units Martin Power based on modified modern engines MTU are own developement of TTS Martin. Until now two MP 250 M-DCU prototypes has been put into continuous operation. Fuel used in these engines are vegetable oils, animal fats and oils made from waste plastics.
Cogeneration unit installed in 2011 in Otrokovice (Czech Republic) is container type with emergency cooler on the roof. Maximal energy input utility is achieved by using produced power, heated water from engine, oil, fuel and air cooling and also heated air from heat radiated from the engine and generator.
Second cogeneration unit of this type is installed in Moldava nad Bodvou in noiseproof canopy. Again also heated air is used besides standard power and heating water usage. This kind of using less valuable and waste fuels for energetic purposes with efficiency over 90% in modern commonrail engines is real green energy.